Natural Sciences

Dante’s Peak (1997)
Geological review questions based on the movie 

This is a list of geological questions based on the movie Dante’s Peak. Some of the questions can be answered while watching the movie, while others will need extra research on the internet. Some will be both. 
This is to help broaden your understanding of the geological world and how Hollywood can distort basic scientific principles to make a hit movie.

  1. Assuming that the latest the main story of the movie takes place is 1997, what is the most likely eruption that the opening sequence depicts? (Some help – The country they are in is Columbia and the events take place 4 years before the main movie) 
  2. Why is it raining mud in the opening sequence? 
  3. What is the thing that kills Harry’s girlfriend from the volcano in the opening sequence called? 
  4. What are some signs of a possible volcanic eruption that Harry uses to convince the town of Dante’s Peak to evacuate the first time? 
  5. How did Pierce know when the last eruption of Dante’s Peak was when he picked up a rock? Did the rock imbue its wisdom on him or is this knowledge he would have gained elsewhere? 
  6. What type of volcano is Dante’s Peak considered? (Active, extinct, or dormant) 
  7. Why is the mayor of the town hesitant to issue an evacuation? What could be bad about it? 
  8. Why does Harry stamp on the ground near the seismograph? 
  9. There are two main types of earthquakes associated with volcanoes, what are they? Which earthquake is first and which one is the result of the first one? Why? 
  10. Why do they call the F.A.A.? 
  11. Dante’s Peak produces what type of eruption? (Fissure, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, or Plinian)
  12. Oh yea, why do you think that? 
  13. On the second day of the eruption it looked like muddy water flowed down Dante’s Peak, what is the scientific term for these “flows?” 


  •  En el siguiente enlace podéis encontrar la información correspondiente a la Unidad 1. Propiedades de la materia, en Español, para aquellos que prefieran contrastar lo aprendido en Natural Sciences.

  1. Materia
  2. Propiedades Generales: masa, volumen, temperatura
  3. Propiedades específicas: La densidad
  4. Ampliación
  5. Resúmen
  6. Cuestionario

Un resumen de los contenidos del libro con algunas actividades:

  • Place Value Chart
    0.000000001   one billionth
                    0.00000001   one hundred-millionth
                    0.0000001   one ten-millionth
                    0.000001   one millionth
                    0.00001   one hundred-thousandth
                    0.0001   one ten-thousandth
                    0.001   one thousandth
                    0.01   one hundredth (1 in the hundredths place)
                    0.1   one tenth (1 in the tenths place)
                    1   one (1 in the ones or units place)
                   10   ten (1 in the tens place)
                  100   one hundred  (1 in the hundreds place)
                1,000   one thousand (1 in the thousands place)
               10,000   ten thousand
              100,000   one hundred thousand
            1,000,000   one million
           10,000,000   ten million
          100,000,000   one hundred million
Os dejo el enlace al WEBMIX en el que tenéis algunos enlaces a páginas interesantes para NATURAL SCIENCES:


 What is a Biome?

A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region. Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra, and several types of aquatic environments. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and the environment inside the biome.
All living things are closely related to their environment. Any change in one part of an environment, like an increase or decrease of a species of animal or plant, causes a ripple effect of change in through other parts of the environment.

The earth includes a huge variety of living things, from complex plants and animals to very simple, one-celled organisms. But large or small, simple or complex, no organism lives alone. Each depends in some way on other living and nonliving things in its surroundings.

To understand a world biome, you need to know:
  • What the climate of the region is like.
  • Where each biome is found and and what its geography is like.
  • The special adaptations of the vegetation.
  • The types of animals found in the biome and their physical and behavioral adaptations to their environment.

Introduction to Biomes                 Tropical Rainforest biome

UNIT 8: THE EARTH´S INTERNAL ENERGY Aquí tenéis una introducción de volcanes y terremotos:
Un precioso Vídeo de volcanes. Espero que lo disfrutéis.

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